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  2. Tsel.me/mytsel 1

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I am new to chartjs and javascript.Below is my code snippet. I am trying to load the pie/donut chart with legends in bootstrap Modal post the button is click.

Can anyone please help with simple JS.

(If its work I would like to show half donut graph in modal with legends is it possible?)

I have tried few ways to get desire result but still its load blank modal if i use it without going for modal its work perfectly on page load.


1 Answer


Google play store app download for pc windows 8.1. Thanks,

I am able to resolve this. Please follow below GITHUB link for more details if anyone required.I have used Flask web framework, Panda to load and read the CSV file, Ajax and JSON used for Client server Communication ( to Avoid the Refresh and reload), Chartjs is used for generating the Chart/Graph, CSS is used for generating a pulse effect for showing running status.


Tsel.me/mytsel 1

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