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Word 2010 is the most powerful word processor available to create and edit documents for work, home, or school. Word 2010 is the ideal tool for creating just about any type of document imaginable, from a brief letter to your mom to a term paper to a feature-length book complete with a table of contents, appendixes, and an index. Although all of Word’s features are available from the easy-to-use Ribbon interface, it pays to learn a few keyboard shortcuts for the most commonly used editing and formatting tasks.

Word 2010 Keyboard Shortcuts

Top 10 Cheat Sheets to Help You Master Microsoft Office. Microsoft Word has over 200 keyboard shortcuts. CustomGuide offers a ton of free cheat sheets for Microsoft Office.


Word 2010 offers a number of helpful keyboard shortcuts for performing tasks quickly. Here are some shortcuts for common Word formatting, editing, and file and document tasks.

Word 2010 Formatting Shortcuts
CommandShortcutRibbon Location
BoldCtrl+BHome tab, Font group
ItalicCtrl+IHome tab, Font group
UnderlineCtrl+UHome tab, Font group
CenterCtrl+EHome tab, Paragraph group
Left AlignCtrl+LHome tab, Paragraph group
Right AlignCtrl+RHome tab, Paragraph group
JustifyCtrl+JHome tab, Paragraph group
Clear FormattingCtrl+spacebarHome tab, Font group
  1. Word 2016 cheat sheet. Handy keyboard shortcuts. More Microsoft cheat sheets] Your copy of Word 2016 may be part of the standalone Office software suite or part of an Office 365.
  2. All the best Microsoft Office Keyboard Shortcuts in one cheat sheet, free to download. Word 2013 Tips & Tricks Quick Reference Software Guide.
Word 2010 Editing Shortcuts
CommandShortcutRibbon Location
UndoCtrl+ZQuick Access toolbar
CutCtrl+XHome tab, Clipboard group
CopyCtrl+CHome tab, Clipboard group
PasteCtrl+VHome tab, Clipboard group
Select AllCtrl+AHome tab, Editing group
FindCtrl+FHome tab, Editing group
ReplaceCtrl+HHome tab, Editing group
Word 2010 File and Document Shortcuts
CommandShortcutRibbon Location
NewCtrl+NFile tab, New command
OpenCtrl+OFile tab, Open command
SaveCtrl+SFile tab, Save command
PrintCtrl+PFile tab, Print command
HelpF1Help button at top right of Ribbon
New PageCtrl+EnterInsert tab, Pages group

Word 2010 Ribbon Commands

Are you lost in the Ribbon? If you’ve recently upgraded from Word 2003, using the Word 2010 Ribbon to perform common Word operations may be challenging at first. To make your transition easier, here are the Word 2010 equivalent commands for common Word 2003 menu commands.

Word 2003 CommandEquivalent Word 2010 Command
File→NewFile tab, New
File→SaveFile tab, Save
File→Page SetupPage Layout tab, Page Setup group
Edit→UndoQuick Access toolbar, Undo
Edit→FindHome tab, Editing group, Find
Edit→ReplaceHome tab, Editing group, Replace
Insert→Picture→Clip ArtInsert tab, Illustrations group, Clip Art
Insert→Picture→From FileInsert tab, Illustrations group, Picture
Insert→DiagramInsert tab, Illustrations group, SmartArt
Format→FontHome tab, Font group, dialog box launcher
Format→ParagraphHome tab, Paragraph group, dialog box launcher
Format→Styles and FormattingHome tab, Styles group, dialog box launcher
Tools→Spelling and GrammarReview tab, Proofing group, Spelling & Grammar
Tools→Letters and MailingsMailings tab
Tools→Templates and Add-InsFile tab, Options, Add-Ins tab, select Templates in the Manage
drop-down list and click Go
Tools→OptionsFile tab, Options
Table→Draw TableInsert tab, Tables group, Table

Microsoft Word offers many—at least 247—keyboard shortcuts to speed up your document creation workflow. If you don't know all of them yet, grab this PDF or doc file as a handy reference.

I generated this list of Word keyboard shortcuts from a built-in macro called ListCommands, per instructions from Help Desk Geek. There are 11 pages total. (Another option in the macro to generate a list of 'All Word commands' instead of 'current keyboard settings' generated 81 pages, but they didn't seem to contain any additional keyboard shortcuts, only, oddly, extra commands without shortcuts. If you'd like to run the macro yourself, see the Help Desk Geek instructions, but for most people the 247 shortcuts here should suffice.)


Here they are on Google Docs (go to the File menu to copy them to your Google account or download to your computer):

Yiddish Yelp

Word Shortcuts List PDF version Word version (for editing)

While you're at it, you might also like these Excel 2010 keyboard shortcut quick reference cards.


Quick Reference Cards Show All the Excel 2010 Keyboard Shortcuts

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[via Help Desk Geek]

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