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Trabajar desde casa online puede ser unautentico reto, de hecho, no todo el mundo es compatible con esta modalidad de trabajo, se necesita foco, determinación, automotivación y otras importantes aptitudes para acometer tan épica aventura. A menudo se trata de un viaje muy duro y complicado repleto de momentos de soledad y frustración porque nadie más entenderá completamente.

– Trabajar desde casa?
– Eso no puede ser serio, deberías encontrar un trabajo serio. ¿Alguna vez has que tus familiares o amigos tenían escritas en la frente estas preguntas cuando hablabas con ellos de tu proyecto online? A mi me ha pasado.

Tengo buenas noticias para ti, puedes crear tu propio negocio, trabajar desde casa (o desde donde quiereas) y tener una exitosa carrera profesional ayudando a otras personas en todo el mundo. ¿Esto suena bien para ti?

No information is available for this page.Learn why. See 11 authoritative translations of Trabajo in English with example sentences. Una casa tan grande da mucho trabajoa big house like that is a lot of work.

Podría enseñarte muchos casos exitosos de personas que han construido su carrera basandose en su pasión, en conexión con su esencia como seres humanos entregando valiosas herramientas, servicios o productos que resuelven importantes problemas de la gente.

Cómo trabajar desde casa online y no morir en el intento!

Si estás trabajando desde casa vas a necesitar tu propio espacio donde sentirte cómodo y así enfocarte en las tareas importantes del día. Cuando estás trabajando desde casa online, a menudo tu familia pensará que estás “disponible” en todo momento, y así podrán delegar en ti cualquier tarea pendiente de hacer. te ha pasado esto alguna vez?

It is very important to create a private space where we are in work mode and let it know to everybody.

Attend offline networking events

Every online business has to be connected with the offline world, the real world. There is where things happen, clients talk, relationships are created and you have to be there interacting with all these agents.

A good networking is crucial for any business in order to growth and expansion. But also, for an online business it is a great opportunity to be in touch with others online solopreneurs and talk about problems that not too many people will understand.

So, I strongly recommend to create a yearly “event calendar” with the most interesting events in your particular niche but also about online business and online marketing because there is where you will meet similar people as you and a lot of future online solopreneur high-end professionals. Create a network, keep an eye on the most relevant and establish collaborations.

Cheat Sheet 4 Steps To Create Content That Grabs People's Attention And Make Them Buy Your Stuff

  • Writing remarkable content that attracts real clients
  • Engage your readers and convert them into clients
  • Build your credibility to be seen as a an authority in your field

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Create a Skype mastermind group

One of the most powerful tools for business owners in any field is to be involved in a mastermind group, since Napoleon Hill coined the term in 1925 in his classic book The law of success, so many important businessman and entrepreneurs used this formula to skyrocket their results. A few examples are Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Theodore Roosevelt, John D. Rockefeller, and Charles Schwab.

But, let’s back to 2016, how can we apply this powerful tool in our online business? Again using free tools as powerful as Skype (could be Google hangout or similar platforms), to connect with your mastermind group and share your ideas, challenges, goals with them.

Certainly, we can talk about how to create an online mastermind group in another post. Let me know on comments below if this is interesting for you.

Set up an outdoor office

One of my favourite Online Solopreneur routines is when I go to my offline office, which in my case is the coffee shop just downstairs my flat in Manchester city centre. The environment is quite and relax, with a high-quality wifi connection, which attracts independent professionals like me. I have to tell you how funny could be sometimes a coffee shop with 20 people drinking coffee, typing on a Macbook and nobody talking with each other. Call me geek but I love this!

Como Trabajar Desde Casa Ensamblando

Anyway, I use my offline office to change my work environment and provoke the most productive momentum for my daily content production. After all the calls, emails and other mechanical work I need a different state of mind to put myself into a “creative mode”, for me work really great just go downstairs, order a cappuccino and start writing.

I hope you enjoy the post, let me know in comments if you use any other techniques to get out of your “loneliness” as a solopreneur.

Cheat Sheet 4 Steps To Create Content That Grabs People's Attention And Make Them Buy Your Stuff

  • Writing remarkable content that attracts real clients
  • Engage your readers and convert them into clients
  • Build your credibility to be seen as a an authority in your field

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